Monday, July 14, 2008

CAYEN Weekly Blog Entries - 7/14/08

Welcome! The Mental Health Association in California is pleased to announce the start of the California Youth Empowerment Network’s (CAYEN) weekly Blog.

CAYEN was created to empower and inspire youth who are part of the Transitional Age Youth (TAY) (ages 16-25) community to create positive change in the mental health system. Our network is youth driven and run by a steering committee made up entirely of transition age youth. To participate on the steering committee or to become a member of CAYEN, please email us,, or fax us a completed membership application, 916-447-2350.

Each week, we will provide you information on issues that are current and relevant to you as an adolescent making the transition into an adult, independent-centered society. We invite you to post or email us your comments and suggestions for future topics and issues you would like to see on this blog. We also invite you to submit your own work on issues relevant to the TAY community to be posted on the blog or to submit your story to be posted on our “Youth Stories” section of the website.

CAYEN will accomplish its mission through policy and legislative mental health advocacy at the state and local county level; development of local CAYEN affiliates throughout the state; a focus on racial/ethnic-specific supports, particularly Latino (41% of California’s 15-24 year olds are Latino1); support and development of TAY Drop-in centers throughout the state; and education for TAY on SSI/SSDI and other benefits and resources available to you.

Get Involved to Be Part of the Solution!

1 State of California, Department of Finance, Population Projections for California and Its Counties 2000-2050, by Age, Gender and Race/Ethnicity, Sacramento, California, July 2007.

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